26 April 2011

The Missing Luggage

We are feeling a bit rugged this morning, less than 5 hours sleep, and more than a little stressed about the missing luggage. I’ve got our local tour company onto the issue, they are contacting LAN later this morning. We went for a wander around the neighbourhood. I just had my camera around my neck, but after first a cab driver calling to me out his window, saying be careful! And a shop keeper also warning me about the camera being too obvious, I got a little paranoid. I guess it’s better to carry it in a bag from now on. I got a few nice pics though, a bunch of men walking to work, they looked like labourers, wearing great hats. Also a little kiosk, you find them all over, selling magazines, lollies and drinks.

We found a bunch of shops just in case we have to stock up for Mark: undies, board shorts and an outdoor wear shop. I hope it doesn’t get to that point but shops are open till around 7pm so we have a bit of time. We are back in bed now, trying to rest up and catch up on some sleep.

Update: we gave up trying to contact LAN by phone and went back to the airport this afternoon. They say that Mark’s bag is on tonight’s flight, but they won’t deliver it to us. So we have to go back again to the airport tonight to hopefully get it…fingers crossed. We met the other members of our Galapagos cruise, a mixed bunch of mostly Aussies but a few Americans as well. We leave tomorrow morning for the Islands and we hope that Mark’s bag will be joining us!!

My Spanish cracks me up...it's so bad but i'm trying hard and i won't give up. Sometimes it's all too hard, but i am determined. Some of the hotel staff are lovely, and give me gentle corrections. It's the most frustrating for me when I know what i want to say but i can't think of a major word in the sentence...grrrr......

25 April 2011

Quito, Ecuador

We have arrived in Quito, Ecuador. It’s been a long journey from Australia, and Mark’s luggage has not joined us. Last time we saw his backpack was in Brisbane. I’m trying to be positive and hope that LAN can find his bag and get it sent to us before we depart for the Galapagos Islands at 8am tomorrow morning.

LAN was an interesting airline to fly. They have old planes which rattle, terrible food and a distinct lack of vegetables in their meal trays. At least we enjoyed tiny chocolate Easter eggs at every meal!

From Sydney to Santiago (via Auckland) I watched several good films in Spanish with English subtitles. I was trying to get used to listening to Spanish being spoken. Actually, I have made a big attempt to practice my Spanish every step of the way, with the flight attendants, shop assistants and anyone else I can think of. The challenging thing is that people speak very quickly, so it takes me a minute to decipher what they are saying. Then another minute for me to figure out how to say what I want to say back. Persistence will get me through. I am determined not to let my tutor Carlos, down!!

Quito is 2800 metres above sea level, and it is quite cool here, when it’s not raining. Today we have a free day and initially I had hoped to wander around town, take some pictures and explore. In reality we will be chasing the airline to find Mark’s bag as it has everything he needs for this trip, trekking gear, clothing, toiletries and so on. We may have to spend the afternoon shopping for clothes and things for him instead.

Last night we finally got to the hotel quite late, around 11pm. I had researched the hotel before the trip and found they have 24hr room service. The prices are astounding! I had Lomo de Cerdo - filetes de cerdo al grille con pico de gallo, legumbres salteads y ensalada verde - grilled pork with pico de gallo, sautéed vegetables and a mixed salad including half an avocado. Mark had una pechuga de pollo al grille sin salsa -grilled chicken breast with 2 helpings of ‘papas fritas’ (hot chips) and we shared a local beer. Total, including room service charge was $23. Now tell me that’s not fantastic!

23 April 2011

South America, here we come!

Leaving on our trip in 10 hours..it's a long journey: we drive to Brisbane Airport (1 hour), then fly to Sydney (1.5hrs), then jump onto a LAN Chile flight to Santiago, via Auckland NZ...that's more than 16 hours.

Then, we fly to Quito, Ecuador via Guyaquil...another 7 hours. We arrive in Quito (if all goes well) around 9pm that same day. The next day is a free day to relax, chill out, explore Quito and acclimatise to the high altitude. The hotel will have oxygen tanks available should we need them. HA!!!

The next morning we are flying to the Galapagos Islands, off the coast of Ecuador and beginning an 8-day cruise on the MY San Jose, with max.16 passengers and 9 crew. I can't wait to practice my Spanish!!