23 April 2011

South America, here we come!

Leaving on our trip in 10 hours..it's a long journey: we drive to Brisbane Airport (1 hour), then fly to Sydney (1.5hrs), then jump onto a LAN Chile flight to Santiago, via Auckland NZ...that's more than 16 hours.

Then, we fly to Quito, Ecuador via Guyaquil...another 7 hours. We arrive in Quito (if all goes well) around 9pm that same day. The next day is a free day to relax, chill out, explore Quito and acclimatise to the high altitude. The hotel will have oxygen tanks available should we need them. HA!!!

The next morning we are flying to the Galapagos Islands, off the coast of Ecuador and beginning an 8-day cruise on the MY San Jose, with max.16 passengers and 9 crew. I can't wait to practice my Spanish!!