05 January 2006

4 january 2006: The Leopard

We had pretty much finished the game drive, packed up our cameras, and were heading for The Ark, when the elusive leopard ran across the road about 500 metres in front of the vehicle. It was so exciting! We advanced oh so slowly, and were privileged to see the leopard stop in a tree very close to us. He actually stopped and looked us over for a good minute (enough time for Shane and Mum to snap him, and me to video him!). It was the most exciting thing to happen, our guide said we were very lucky because it is quite rare to see leopards, even though there are plenty around.
And it’s only Day 1 of the safari! We are loving being here, spending heaps of money, but at this point we are out for a good time, no matter what. Money can’t get in the way of us now!!! We are spending heaps on 1) tipping and 1) buying bottled water for drinking, brushing teeth, etc etc. We haven’t worked out which is costing more…..

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