08 January 2006

7-8 january 2006: Lake Nakuru, Masai Mara

Long drive for most of the day, arriving at Lake Nakuru late afternoon. On our fabulous game drive we spotted a white rhino!!! Actually, several rhinos. So, the ‘Big 5’ is now complete – but don’t get me wrong, there are heaps of other animals and birds to be seen. We also saw lots of baboons and baboon babies, and a jackal, and or course, a gazillion (yes, it’s true, I counted) pink and white flamingoes, which Lake Nakuru is famous for. The lake is a giant soda/salt lake and it attracts the flamingoes. It looks very spectacular from a distance.
Spent the night at the Shaba Lion Hill Lodge, which was nice, except again, no internet access. (Since we left Nairobi it has been impossible to get any internet access so all my blogging is done on the laptop, hopefully soon we will be able to upload stuff. Even in Nairobi it was so slow that it took me one hour to upload 7 small images…..) But, if that’s the price you have to pay to be here, I gladly pay it!!!!!!!!
Unfortunately Shane was violently ill during the night, and I was sick as well. Today we are feeling better, JUST. I hope it’s not Mum’s turn next!

Today, Sunday, was a very long driving day as well. We also had a fan belt break, and this involved us hopping onto another minibus with our French friends Bertran and Mirienne. They are on another tour but we are sort of traveling together in a way. Then we also hopped onto another minibus, and then our driver caught up with us, having had the fan belt fixed in a small town. We arrived at the Sarova Mara Tented Camp: it’s gorgeous! We are in a big tent with a wood floor, ensuite attached and so on. Even a little deck out front. It’s very luxurious.
Afternoon game drive around the Masai Mara: saw a cheetah with his kill! And a lion with his kill! And Mara Giraffes, topis, elephants, wildebeest, hartebeest, buffalo, the list goes on. Another awesome day.

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