03 February 2007

Our new Kombi: 'Daisy'

We have just bought a 1971 low-light, bay window Volkswagen Kombi. Her name is Daisy. The reasons for buying her are many: we need a car to put the surfboards in. We need a car to take Kimberley and Mitchell to the beach. We want to go camping again - and this time, take the dogs. We want to go away occasionally overnight or all weekend. Plus, we have fond memories of our last Kombi, Daffodil, who burned down on that fateful Easter Monday in Darwin so many years ago.....apart from that, Daffodil was a great vehicle, took us around Australia in great Kombi style.

Scott, a friend of my Lee's (my personal trainer) was selling his, he brought it up to the Coast so we could look her over, and we thought she was great! The price was right, so away we go. She arrives tomorrow! I will post some pics then.

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