04 February 2007

Outdoor area...

Our generous neighbours, Chris and Tash, did most of the work on our front yard. The dodgy concrete patchy driveway was ripped out (plenty of junk underneath: bits of wire, chunks of concrete, broken steel rods....). Railway sleeper were used to box around the poinciana trees and paths were put together. Decomposed granite was used for the driveway surface as well as the paths and outdoor area next to the house. We dug the birds nest ferns out from all over the place, and really made a showpiece, and added Liriope and Zanzibar plants to liven the area up. The big rock bowl we dug out of another part of the garden as well, Chris and Shane hoiked it all the way over, it weighed a ton! We still have work to do, put a concrete pad under the BBQ area and fill in the beds near the fence with happy trees.

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