26 May 2010

M'Goun Valley

Today we enjoyed breakfast on the terrace: fresh orange juice, warm flat bread straight from the oven, honey, fig jam and tea. It was a lovely morning. We went off on our 10k trek around the river and hills of the Berber village in the M‘Goun Valley. Along the way we saw many women tending small crops, children playing, very shy and waving to us. A lot of the villagers here seem to be camera shy, they cover their faces and you need to respect that. Unfortunately they are so photogenic! the women have tattooed faces, the children have great smiles. We trekked along the riverbed, not much water at the moment but in winter when the Atlas Mountains are covered in snow, it melts and the river rushes through the villages. That would be a sight to see. Stopping for lunch in a shady spot, we chopped up tomatoes, red onions, red capsicum, anchovies, cheese, cucumbers, carrots and avocado and ate it all with fresh flat bread bought from a nearby village. The temperature is very hot and we all caught the sun today. We are staying in a gite, a Berber family-run guesthouse. It is very rustic and quaint. They have only had electricity since 2006 here. Mum and I have put a couple of pairs of pants in to be washed, I hope we see them again.