19 May 2010

Rabat, Morocco

Then we went off to Rabat, a couple of hours up the coast. We spent ages in the Medina, bought delicious fresh dates, nougat and almonds. The dates tasted FANTASTIC, wow……for lunch we ate at a gorgeous Moroccan style restaurant, we tried delicious pastry parcels filled with cheese and some with cinnamon flavoured chicken, and some lovely Moroccan pastries for dessert. Mum had green mint tea which was refreshing and not as sweet (luckily) as we had yesterday.

Our wonderful guides Sayid and Mfedel helped with the bargaining and all in all it was a very long but lovely day. Tonight we are further down the coast past Rabat. Rabat is a coastal ‘resort’ town, some new building going on but mostly run-down decrepit beach ‘shacks’ right on the beach. The beach is somewhat disappointing, full of plastic bottles, broken tiles and general rubbish. I would not go barefoot here, thank god for thongs J