22 October 2010

Rainy hike and sunny sea kayak in Kaikoura

The view from our campervan last night was fantastic (snow capped mountains)! However, we woke up this morning to rain and more rain. I was being quite optimistic and thought we should push on and do the 3hr hike around the Kaikoura Peninsula…..oh my god we were soaked within 5 minutes and it never got better….we had a severe case of the crankies when we finished, plus we were freezing cold and soaked to the bone. Then we had an hour to dry off, find dry clothes and voila! The sun came out! We crammed a sandwich down and went off on our afternoon sea kayak tour, which was fantastic. We had a small group, just us, our guide and 3 Irish girls. We paddled around the rocks and the point, and watched the fur seals sunning themselves, watching us! and swimming. On our way back to the beach, the sky blackened and we got massive thunder and lightning. While packing up the sea kayaks, we were soaked again……we are staying in Kaikoura tonight, doing some washing and drying our clothes, and then heading down to Hanmer Springs tomorrow…..what a day!