10 May 2011

Galapagos marine life

This morning we were awoken at 0530 by the bell ringing. Jumped into the dinghies and went to shore to explore Rabida Island….we came across marine iguanas for the first time, they looked very camouflaged on the vocanic rocks!! Very spiky and numerous. You could just about step on them accidentally. Lots of Sally Lightfoot crabs, great orange colour. We snuck up on the sea lions swimming and sleeping in a deep rocky pool near the shoreline. Dolphins were out from the shore.

We came back for breakfast at 0800 and at 1030 went for a snorkel. Mark was lucky enough to witness a fur seal swimming past him underwater. We saw a few turtles and lots of fish.

I had a few naps today in the shade on the boat, watched sharks and rays swimming around the boat, and had a great time trying (unsuccessfully) to photograph birds diving down to get baitfish, and watching a seal mum and pup frolicking on the beach.

Later, another snorkel. I was surrounded by baitfish, it was amazing. Saw a whitetip reef shark below, and witnessed birds diving down into the baitfish school to have lunch. It is truly amazing to swim with fish who don’t swim away from you, you are part of their environment.

We cannot believe the amazing scenery, red/brown sand and rocks, black volcanic sand and rocks, crystal clear water, cactuses growing from volcanic rocky outcrops, wow!! On our late afternoon walk we saw a gorgeous very pink flamingo digging for crill in a lagoon on the beach. A few giant starfish washed up on shore. Happy hour and dinner were lovely and relaxing. Early to bed as a 5am start in the morning.