04 May 2011

Off to the Galapagos Islands

Today was a long and eventful day. Mark’s luggage, of course, did not arrive this morning. We spent quite a while running around and speaking to the LAN office. Anyway. We have decided to assume we will never see his bag again and move on. We hopped on the plane and off to the Galapagos Islands we went. It surprised me that the plane was actually quite large, 3 seats each side, and full. The flight from Quito to Baltra took just under 2 hours. Upon first view, the whole area looks enormous. So 2 things I had not expected!!

The airport is small and chaotic. You must get your passport stamped and pay a $100 fee. There were a few market stalls around the back, and we got Mark a hat, a couple of tshirts and a pair of shorts he can swim in. Then, jumped on a bus and drove down to the bay where the MY San Jose was awaiting us. On the small jetty we were surprised by a sleek, glossy, black fur seal, and another seal, just lying on the stairway…plus a sea iguana sunning on the corner. Amazing to see these creatures so unafraid of humans!!

First impressions of the MY San Jose, it is a big boat, similar in size to what I worked on in the Great Barrier Reef - apparently is licensed for 32 passengers but only takes 16...heaps of room! Every room has twin beds and an ensuite, all cabins above sea level, and stretch from side to side, so if you open the windows a great breeze flows through. Mark and I are in room 5, on the top deck just behind the wheelhouse. We had a delicious lunch of salad (shredded red cabbage, tomato), pasta and tomato/vegetable sauce. For dessert, lovely plump bananas drizzled with chocolate sauce.

Later in the afternoon we hopped onto 2 dinghies and went over to a mangrove lagoon to see some blue-footed boobies and other birds, also some turtles and rays. There is wildlife everywhere…just fantastic. Our guide, Fabian, is very knowledgeable and speaks English very well. The boat crew is about 6 people - they don’t speak to the passengers much, I think they are unsure of their language skills and so choose not to associate with us much.

Dinner, baked fish, potatoes, green beans/carrots and salad. For dessert, baked apples with a blackberry sauce…..mark and I finished up with a cup of tea on the top deck, watching sharks and fish splash around in the lit water surrounding the boat… wow… First impressions: YAY I’m so glad I’m here!!